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90 BPM

Updated: 5 days ago

90 bpm, the sound of life

flickering on the screen,

unexplainable uneasiness

follows the desired beat..


1 drop, 2 drops...

it’s normal they say,

leaving you in despair…

3 drops, 4 drops...

unending trail,

instinct reveals the tale.


Helplessness, anguish,

the gift of life holds on

with unwavering strength

no local aid, only silence,

negligence, I’m

just one more pawn

in this medical chess game.


A beam of hope comes

forth from 1799 miles away,

yet it dissolves, as access to

the needed treatment is out of range


Fear, horror, agony,

become the only presence

during 4 unending days…

Can there be a more tangible loss

than the one in which life drains in front

of your eyes and the body suffers

in unbearable pain?


Its wisdom understands

the void that rests behind,

the overwhelming emptiness

imprinted in every cell,

a piece of me vanished away,

My eyes will never shine the same…


My gift of light holds me close,

His timeless smile

Whispers with immense love,

and I can briefly silence

this infinite void…


Tonight, there is one more angel

the size of a sweet pea,

yet made out of the

deepest, greatest love there can be…

Image, "Savannah Blues" - Andrea Villa Ruiz-

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