Home, where is home?
Is it that far away place where
I am always welcome without restrain?
Is it my sacred Saturday mornings
Or perhaps my quiet moments next to Her?
Home is when my mom makes my favorite meal
Or when my dad tells one of his tales
Home is seeing my youngest brother’s
Happiness during coffee time after lunch
And listening to my other brother playing Chopin
Home is when I look into your eyes,
When I hear your voice,
When you make your funny dance,
and each kiss reveals who we really are
It is the unexplainable connection that lingers,
I can sense your presence
You envisage my dreams
-You Must go home-
They say...
I am delighted, yet afraid
I clean every corner of my house, my heart
I pack my bags
and search for a safe place for my beloved plants
I repay and return what’s fair
A labor done with love, searched no gain
Hearing the good news back then
brought the real reward
Integrity has done its part
-You Must go home -
They demand...
The only breeze I can reclaim as mine
The only one my heart truly seems to recognize
and I can almost reach for the stars
from that place where more than a thousand steps
lead to your favorite sight
I will climb that scene again
searching for your eyes
And at the top
I will pray for our next best chance
I am going home unintentionally,
Uncertainty has claimed its room
And the truth is
There is no Home
without You

Image, " Dreams under repair" (2023) by Andrea Villa Ruiz